◎ Standard view for Canada-wide navigation
○ Centre map on nearest station to zoom in ○ Centre map on nearest radarOpen a regional map then select your neighbourhood.
The first three regions include radar and satellite imagery on the regional map.
Canada West Canada Central MB-ON Canada East
Canada Nunavut Canada YT/NWT Canada Arctic Islands
No radar or satellite for faster navigation:
Time zone for radar, satellite and observations
◎ Universal Coordinated Time (UTC/GMT) ○ Pacific Time PST-PDT ○ Mountain Time MST-MDT ○ Central Time CST-CDT ○ Eastern Time EST-EDT ○ Atlantic Time AST-ADT ○ Newfoundland Time NST-NDT ○ Mountain Standard Time (Yukon, Peace District BC) ○ Central Standard Time (Saskatchewan) ○ Eastern Standard Time (Coral Harbour NU) ○ Atlantic Standard Time (eastern North Shore QC)Choose the clickable station points to plot on the map.
Stations are grouped by function (more or less):
○ All weather stations ○ MSC auto hourly ◎ MSC auto 10 minutes ○ National: MSC, NavCan, DFO, DND ○ Snow: MSC, prov highways ○ Rain: MSC, prov forestry ○ Auto8: MSC, AB auto ○ Misc: Regional, airQual, water ○ Hydromet: River level and flowOr select by station owner.
Make sure your map matches the area implied by the owner.
The default shows a table of the most useful weather parameters when a single station is selected on the map
◎ Show all parametersChoose one parameter then select one or more stations on the map to create a table of the chosen parameter
○ Temperature ○ Dew point temperature ○ T/Td pair ○ Relative humidity ○ Wind speed ○ Wind gust speed ○ Wind hourly maximum ○ Mean sea level pressure ○ hourly rain ○ hourly snow - BC hwys, NL water ○ hourly precipitation ○ Snow depth ○ Precipitation water equivalent ○ running total: hourly rain ○ running total: hourly snow - BC hwys -NL water ○ running total: hourly precipitation ○ Sea surface temperature - buoys only ○ Significant wave height - buoys only ○ Significant wave period - buoys only ○ river water level ○ river discharge ○ wind in metar format (knots) ○ weather, short form ○ weather, long form ○ Wind speed (knots) ○ Wind gust speed (knots) ○ Wind hourly maximum (knots)Set the time period for the most recent weather station reports or use the View menu to turn the date/time entry form on.
◎ default - varies by station type ○ 2 hours ○ 6 hours ○ 12 hours ○ 25 hours ○ 2 days ○ 4 days ○ 1 weekDisplay a radar scan in addition to the main loop.
The time period is set by the main loop.
The "24 hour total" scan accounts for storm motion when estimating rainfall and will highlight large rainfall amounts from slow moving storms.
Turn on radar and set the precipitation colour scale for rain or snow:
○ Rain ◎ Snow (radar colour scale)
Radar precipitation blocks all other layers but is transparent where there is no precipitation. Reduce radar visibility when the data obscures the underlying map too much.
Adjust radar visibility:
Satellite data at this scale is most useful for monitoring small features such as showers and thunderstorms, snow squalls or local fog and low cloud. Low cloud and fog move slowly and respond to topography.
☑ Satellite on/off switch
○ day only view -- high cloud is given a blue/green tint
◎ day or night -- switches between day and night views
○ grey day/night -- b&w view shows low cloud at night
Adjust satellite visibility/opacity.
○ 100 % --- strong colours hide the base map ○ 80 % ○ 60 % ◎ 40 % ○ 20 % ○ 0 % --- same as not thereThis option, also available in the View menu, can be useful for viewing satellite at 100% visibility. The public forecast regions are shown but cannot be selected to show the forecasts. Map navigation is preserved.
☐ EC public forecast regions - not clickable