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All weather data are downloaded from the Meterological service of Canada (MSC) under these licenses or usage policies: The data were collected by MSC or provided to MSC by various agencies as listed below. weather radar composite imagery - composite data from one or more radars, including US radars Meteorological Service of Canada, EC, Government of Canada MSC National composite radar from the MSC-geomet Web Map Service (WMS) weather radar images centred on each radar Meteorological Service of Canada, EC, Government of Canada Radar gif images at MSC datamart radar gifs long range GDPS model data Meteorological Service of Canada, EC, Government of Canada MSC GDPS model netcdf raster data from the MSC-geomet Web Coverage Service (WCS) 10 minute satellite imagery - nominally "1km resolution" which degrades towards northern Canada United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) (via MSC data servers) Weather station observations All surface weather observations from national, provincial, regional governments and Nav Canada are downloaded from MSC datamart or an equivalent mirror site The stations are grouped by station type (eg. CAAUT8) as given in the station meta data. Canada CAAUT8/CAAUTM : Meteorological Service of Canada, Environment and Climate Change Canada CABUOY : Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), in support of Ocean Protection Plan. CALHGT : Government of Canada: Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Canadian Coast Guard DNDAUT/NDMANN : Department of National Defense, Government of Canada, Nav Canada: CAMAUTO, CAMANN : Nav Canada, 151 Slater St., Suite 120, Ottawa, ON British Columbia BCAIRQ : Government of British Columbia, Ministry of Environment BCSNOW : Government of British Columbia, Ministry of Environment BCFFOR : Government of British Columbia, Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development, BC Wildfire Service BCHWYS : Government of British Columbia, Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure Alberta ABAUT8 : Alberta government, observations similar to CAAUT8 Saskatchewan SKFFOR : Government of Saskatchewan, Public Safety Agency Manitoba - Ontario ONFFOR : Ontario Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry, Aviation, Forest Fire and Emergency Services Branch ONHWYS : Government of Ontario, Ministry of Transportation ONGRCA : Grand River Conservation Authority ONTRCA : Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Quebec QCPOML : Port of Montreal New Brunswick (may be available in the future) NBFFOR : Government of New Brunswick, Department of Natural Resources and Energy Development Nova Scotia NSFFOR : Government of Nova Scotia, Department of Lands and Forestry Newfoundland and Labrador NLWATR : Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, Department of Environment, Climate Change, and Municipalities, Water Resources Management Division Yukon YTFFOR : Government of Yukon, Department of Community Services, Wildland Fire Management YTWATR : Government of Yukon, Department of Environment, Water Resources Branch YTAVAL : YAA, Yukon Avalanche Association Northwest Territories NTFFOR : Government of Northwest Territories, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Forest Management Division NTWATR : Government of Northwest Territories, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Forest Resources Division Nunavut - Hydrometric station observations To quote the MSC github page below: "Hydrometric data are ... are collected, interpreted and disseminated by the National Hydrological Services (NHS) in partnership with the provinces, territories and other agencies through the National Hydrometric Program." All observations from hydrometric stations are downloaded from MSC datamart Also see
Basemaps and meta data Basemap GIS data were provided by Google Maps (satellite hybrid and terrain hybrid map tile data) Long range model 500mb colour scheme Universite du Quebec a Montreal at httpd:// All software programs used for this website are open source and free to download and use QGIS, imagemagick, netpbm, cs2cs/proj were invaluable for generating basemaps and overlay images Linux is awesome, what can I say? Online help is a very well organised and written resource for learning html, css and javascript and how they work together.