The weather observations database is being upgraded. Radar and satellite should be fine.

Station types

Most weather stations report at least wind, temperature, dew point temperature and some form of precipitation, either rain using a tipping bucket rain gauge or "precipitation" which, in this context, is rain or snow measured by weight and reported as if rain or melted snow in mm.

Forestry and agriculture stations typically report rain and/or precipitation. Highways stations report precipitation and/or snow.

Snow depth is measured from above by an acoustic sensor pointing downward.

Manned and automated Nav Can stations may also report sky condition, visibility and current weather.

Marine stations, exposed to offshore winds, often only report wind and temperature. Buoys report wind, air and water temperature and sea state.

Hydrometric stations report water level and, less frequently, river flow in cubic metres/second and called "discharge".

The list is provided as a rough picture of what is available on the site.

Weather stations

AgencyStation type # StationsWeather parametersFrequencyMore
Canada MSCCAAUT8570wind, t/td, mslp, rain/snow/precip1 hour
Canada MSCCAAUTM330wind, t/td, mslp, rain/snow/precip10 min* see comment below
Canada DFO buoysCABUOY30wind, t, sst, seas1 hour
Canada DFO lightsCALGHT28wind, t, sst, seas3 hourshuman observer, none overnight
Canada DNDNDAUT8wind, t/td, mslp, vis 30 min
Parks CanadaPRKCAN20wind, t/td, rain, snow1 hour
Nav CanNCAUT210wind, t/td, mslp, vis, wx1 hour+specials
Nav CanNCMAN210wind, t/td, mslp, vis, wx1 hour+specialshuman observer
BC EnvBCAIRQ50wind, t/td1 hour
BC EnvBCSNOW40t, precip1 hour
BC ForestsBCFFOR240wind, t/td, rain1 hour
BC TransportBCWHYS165wind, t/td, snow,precip1 hour
ABABAUT8170wind, t/td, rain/snow/precip1 hour
SKSKFFOR85wind, t/td, rain1 hour
ON ForestsONFFOR115wind, t/td, rain,snow1 hour
ON TransportONHWYS150wind, t/td, precipseveral per hour
ON Grand R. C.A.ONGRCA20t, precip1 hour
ON Toronto C.A.ONTRCA0may be added later
QC Port of MontrealQCPOML5wind, t/td, rain30 min
NB ForestsNBFFOR25wind, t/td, rain1 hour
NS ForestsNSFFOR30wind, t/td, rain1 hour
NS ForestsNLFFOR30wind, t/td, rain1 hour
NL WaterNLWATR10wind, t/td, snow,precip, sun1 hour
YT ForestsYTFFOR25wind, t/td, rain1 hour
YT WaterYTWATR5wind, t/td, rain1 hour
YT AvalancheYTAVAL3precip1 hour
NTNTFFOR38wind, t/td, rain, sun1 hour

* 330 of the hourly CAAUT8 stations also report every minute with a summary report every 10 minutes, presented as CAAUTM stations.


t/td : temperature and dew point temperature (humidity)
mslp : mean sea level pressure
rain : rain as measured by a tipping bucket rain gauge
precip : precipitation, rain or snow measured by weight
snow : snow depth
wx : observed weather by a person or machine, eg. "light rain"
sst : sea surface temperature
flow rate : total river volume flow rate
sun : can be sunshine hours or intensity (insolation) in watts per square meter on a horizontal surface
MSC : Meteorological Service of Canada (part of Environment Canada)
DFO : Department of Fisheries and Oceans
DND : Department of National Defence

Hydrometric stations

AgencyStation type # StationsParametersFrequencyMore
BCHBCSTRM435water level, flow rate30 minutes
ABHABSTRM410water level, flow rate30 minutes
SKHSKSTRM150water level, flow rate30 minutes
MBHMBSTRM200water level, flow rate30 minutes
ONHBCSTRM520water level, flow rate30 minutes
QCQCCSTRM15water level, flow rate30 minutes
NBNBCSTRM50water level, flow rate30 minutes
NSNSCSTRM30water level, flow rate30 minutes
PEPECSTRM10water level, flow rate30 minutes
NLNLCSTRM105water level, flow rate30 minutes
YTYTCSTRM70water level, flow rate30 minutes
NTNTCSTRM90water level, flow rate30 minutes
NUNUCSTRM20water level, flow rate30 minutes

Lists were prepared in June 2023.

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