Open a regional map then select your neighbourhood.
The three southern Canada regions include radar and satellite imagery.
Radar and satellite are turned off for faster navigation:
○ Western Canada ○ Central Canada, MB-ON ○ Eastern CanadaTime zone for radar and observations
◎ Universal Coordinated Time (UTC/GMT) ○ Pacific Time PST-PDT ○ Mountain Time MST-MDT ○ Central Time CST-CDT ○ Eastern Time EST-EDT ○ Atlantic Time AST-ADT ○ Newfoundland Time NST-NDT ○ Mountain Standard Time (Yukon, Peace District BC) ○ Central Standard Time (Saskatchewan) ○ Eastern Standard Time (Coral Harbour NU) ○ Atlantic Standard Time (eastern North Shore QC)Turn on radar and set the precipitation colour scale for rain or snow:
○ Rain ◎ Snow (radar colour scale)
Radar precipitation blocks all other layers but is otherwise transparent. Reduce radar visibility when the data obscures the underlying map too much.
Adjust radar visibility:
Satellite data at this scale is most useful for monitoring small features such as thunderstorms and local fog and low cloud. Low cloud and fog move slowly and respond to topography.
☐ Satellite on/off switch
○ day only view -- high cloud is given a blue/green tint
◎ grey day/night -- b&w view shows low cloud at night
Adjust satellite visibility/opacity.
○ 100 strong colours hide the base map ○ 80 ○ 60 ○ 40 ◎ 20 ○ 0 same as not there